Rpg maker steam sales
Rpg maker steam sales

rpg maker steam sales

In the mood for something a bit lewd? Here’s 10 of the best sexy games on Steam!Īfter several years’ absence, many people wondered if Namco still had what it took to give us a quality Ace Combat experience - particularly after Assault Horizon had such a mixed reception.įortunately, Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown was a spectacular return to form for this series that dates all the way back to the PS1 era, providing dramatic, cinematic aerial combat, the series’ iconic blend of arcade-style action with light simulation elements and an amazing soundtrack. See where all this crazy nonsense started as you date the spiritual Kaname, the sporty Akira, the musical Aoi or the seemingly spoiled Kaoruko - and get double-teamed by adorable angels in the Doki Doki Carnival mode!ĭoki-doki your way to a Golden Week copy of Gal*Gun Double Peace here, Gal*Gun 2 here and Gal*Gun Returns here! Can you help Risu the angel meet her corporate Demon Busting quota before it’s too late - and can you get all the phone numbers of the girls in your school while you’re at it?įinally, the recently released Gal*Gun Returns brings the original Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 classic up to date for modern platforms - and to the west for the first time. Once again there are multiple narrative routes to follow, but this time around the progression is a little more non-linear. Gal*Gun 2 shakes up the gameplay by making it a little more “first-person shootery” with a fully moveable viewpoint. Or if none of them quite tickle your fancy, date any of the extended cast in the True Love mode. Or perhaps you’re in the mood for something a little more… special? See if you can win the heart of angel Ekoro or devil Kurona. Date either of your childhood friends Shinobu and Maya - or both at once. Gal*Gun Double Peace was the first Gal*Gun game to be released in the west, and features rail-shooting gameplay with a variety of different narrative routes to follow. All three Gal*Gun games are in the Golden Week sale, so if you’re yet to catch up on Inti Creates’ delightful series of rail shooters-cum-dating sims, now’s the perfect time!

Rpg maker steam sales